What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Include?

Cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile into the one you’ve always wanted. Many procedures and treatments are included in cosmetic dentistry so there is something for everyone! Whether you desire a brighter smile or want to repair a chipped tooth, cosmetic dentistry can help. We offer cosmetic dentistry at Bella Dental Group in El Cajon, CA, where Dr. Yara Soto can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help

It’s easy to improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry. There are many different types of services for addressing a wide range of issues, such as:

  • Dull teeth
  • A crooked tooth
  • Stains or discolorations
  • A cracked or chipped tooth
  • Teeth that are crowded or overlap
  • Excess spacing between teeth
  • Teeth with an unusual shape
  • A gummy smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Services

At our general and cosmetic dentistry office in El Cajon, CA, we offer several different services to help patients dramatically improve their smiles. Some of the available cosmetic treatments and procedures include:

Dental Bonding: A tooth-colored resin material is used to repair teeth that are chipped, cracked, or broken. The resin is applied to the problem area, then cured with a special light. As the resin dries, it forms a permanent bond with the tooth.

Porcelain Veneers: Thin laminate covers that are bonded to the front surface of imperfect teeth to dramatically improve their appearance. Veneers can conceal a variety of imperfections, such as stains and discolorations.

Teeth Whitening: A treatment that utilizes a high concentration bleaching agent to brighten dull teeth and whiten teeth that are discolored or stained. Teeth can be made several shades whiter with just one in-office whitening treatment.

Cosmetic Contouring: A procedure for reshaping teeth that are crooked, misshapen, or overlap. A small layer of enamel is gently removed a little at a time until the tooth takes on a more pleasing appearance.

Gum Reshaping: A procedure for improving the appearance of the gum line. This cosmetic dentistry service can correct a “gummy smile” in which excess gum tissue covers too much of the teeth. Reshaping the gums helps expose more tooth surfaces.

Dental Implants: The most secure tooth-replacement method available today. A dental implant is a small metal post that functions as a root by anchoring a crown or other restoration in place. Dental implants are so secure because they are inserted directly into the jawbone and permanently bond with it.

Cosmetic dentistry includes a broad range of services to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Our skilled dentist, Dr. Soto, can recommend the right procedures for addressing your specific cosmetic concerns. For cosmetic dentistry in El Cajon, CA, call Bella Dental Group at (619) 444-6157.